Thursday, May 10, 2012

Focus on the Positive!

In the midst of sending MDK 65 different text messages about 30 different wedding topics (maybe a slight exaggeration...), he got a little overwhelmed and gave me a call. Being angry that I felt consumed by to-do's lists and that my groom was/is getting the easy road, I requested he be more aware of the to-do's. He then stated I was forgetting what this was about and was focusing only on the negative.

So with that I would like to point out the---POSITIVE...
  • Supportive families...(I am getting help with painting and planting projects, ribbon projects, and the 200+ place cards..thanks :))
  • Great friends! We will each have 6 supportive peeps by our side on the 9th and many more their in attendance to help us celebrate.
  • We get one day to be glamorous mini-celebrities!!I have my practice hair and make-up last Saturday and I was feeling pretty fantastic when it was all done!
  • I get super excited thinking about the feelings I will have as I walk down the aisle! We have decided to not see each other before the wedding.
  • I get to be a wife and be loved forever by MDK...I suppose that is the big one!!
  • And a new last name...LMK-- here I come!

Cheers to the memories to come over the next 10 days!

Have a Nice Day!


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