Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Liebster Award

Vanessa at Here Comes the Human nominated the blog for the Liebster Award, so I am sort of particpating! I wanted to list the 11 things and answer the questions, so you will find the fun below.


For bloggers who have less than 200 followers

The Rules:
Each person must post 11 things about themselves
Answer the questions that the nominator set for you
Create 11 questions for the people you nominate (skip)
Chose 11 people and link them to your post (skip)
Go to their page and tell them (skip)
No tag backs! :)

My 11 Facts
1) I travel for work and it becomes so routine that I recognize the TSA people at both airports.
2) I have been on a reading kick lately- 4 books in 2 months...that never happens.
3) I absolutely hate being cold.
4) Popcorn (specifically Pop Secret- Homestyle) is one of my favorite snacks.
5) I was told about 2 years ago that I danced like a mom...this was after taking a hip-hop dance class. All I can say is I tried to get help!
6) I am not a good commuter and try to avoid driving/road trips whenever possible.
7) I was convinced I could never use a phone without a keyboard...sorry BlackBerry.
8) Because of my job I will have to file income taxes in 5 states this year...gross.
9) I love mail! Receiving it (minus the junk) and sending it.
10) 3 years ago, I nervously let my sister set me up with her coworker's son and now we are married. CRAZY!
11) I love having parties and entertaining all of our friends and family even though I go into a little panic right before everyone arrives.

Vanessa's Questions:
1.  Where is your happy place?
Warm and snuggled up in my bed at home- can't beat it!
2.  You have the change to meet one celebrity...who would it be?
Beyonce...I think she is awesome and keeps out of the gossip pages.
3.  What would you call yourself if you could choose your own name?
In 2nd grade during Name Change day...I changed my name to Mary. I have since realized that I   like my name so I would keep it!
4.  If you could be given any gift, what would it be?
I would like some money as a gift and spend it wisely of course.
5.  What is the most embarrassing CD/Album you have ever owned and do you still have it?
I am pretty sure I had an Aaron Carter CD as it was the first concert I went to and I do not still have it...thank goodness.
6.  What's your favorite band of all time?
I am musically challenged, but I currently like Train the most.
7.  You're in the car....what's your jam? 
I am a radio listener, so whatever is on I will sing along.
8.  If you were another person, would you be friends with you?
I think so :)
9.  What was your favorite game to play as a child?
I liked to play Clue or Pay Day when we would pretend camp in our backyard.
10.  Do you have any toys or games from your childhood that you are passing to your own children?  If you don't have kids, do you have anything saved for when you do?
My parents recently returned all of my  childhood stuff that was stored at their house. I haven't looked through it yet, but I would guess that if I found anything really awesome I might keep it.
11.  Would you rather have the power to be invisible or to read minds?
This is a very hard question....but, I am going with read minds. I think it would be more interesting.

Have a Nice Day!

PS- Happy Halloween :)

Monday, October 22, 2012


My last post was at that end of August and I can't believe it is nearly the end of October! I am not impressed with my blogging, but at least I am still trying. I will start with a little highlight of activities since the last post.

  • July was HOT in MN and we had a lot of house projects that we worked on. We ended up replacing every light fixture and painting almost the entire main level. I guess "move-in ready" was never a reality in my head (poor MDK). At the end of July, I had a little accident with a knife, avacado, and my finger...oops! I worked from home for most of July which helped us to settle into the neighorbood and almost into newylwed life.
Last month wedding/honeymoon...this month home projects!
5 Stitches
  • In August we had many adventures as we traveled east, west, north east and south! We ventured out towards the lakes area to Pelican Rapids, MN for a weekend with old friends. EEH received his PhD which kick started the fun and the next night we threw our first ever house warming party! My little sister and dad both had birthdays so we enjoyed lots of BBQ and DQ cake. We celebrated a wedding in Wausau, WI with EAR and enjoyed being guests again! Then my work travel started again taking me to a town outside Baltimore, MD. To celebrate a very memorable summer we joined the Cocch's to make some southern memories over Labor Day. King Bentley was a great host...thanks!
 "I am not going to look at you!"
  • September started off busy with a lot of flying and airport time for me during the first week. We celebrated sweet love with a wedding for friends on the 8th and capped that weekend off with another DQ cake for me! I officially hit the mid-twenties and still just love the 9th :) The next weekend we hit TCF Bank Stadium with my parents to cheer on the Gophers (they were actually winning). We also visited the Renaissance Festival and showed out of towners around MPLS for one weekend. And I promise you...we did relax at home for the last weekend of least we must have because I can't remember any big plans.

Craigslist Seats!
We are completely BACK!
So yes, we have stayed busy and my work travel makes it difficult to make it to all the things we want. I have been reading a lot on the road now, so I hope to write a few reveiws on here. I finally loaded some wedding pictures to Facebook, but have not done much else with them. The Shutterfly coupons for 50% off are tempting...someday.
Thanks for stopping by and have a nice day!