Wednesday, May 2, 2012

2 Months Post CA

Yesterday was the 2 month mark since the move back from CA and I can't believe how fast time goes. Seems like that is just how things work as one ages, but I remember back in high school and dating someone for a month seemed like eternity. We are trying to find our place back in MN/WI, but in no particular order here are the things I miss-

1) Pilates! My classmates rocked and it was a great workout
2) Having a place of our own and the fire place :)
3) Having evenings with MDK
4) Working with people for a long enough time that I cared about them and they cared about me
5) Being close to Napa aka the Promised Land! Seriously, for those of you who haven't tastes better in California. It's weird, but it does!!
6) That CA sunshine
And to end on a are the things I am looking forward to---ya MAY! First up, is my very first bridal shower this Saturday with MDK's family. This one is a Pampered Chef shower and I am in love with all their great stuff. I will be sure to snap some pics and share. More showers follow with my family the 12th and then one with friends on the 19th! I want to be sure and enjoy these events and the company. I did decide as I was recapping what I missed in CA, that wedding planning has been easier and more manageable by living back home!!

Have a Nice Day!

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