Friday, May 31, 2013

Leaving on a jet plane...

She's alive!! I have survived the longest winter and shortest spring in Minnesota. It has been a tough few months weather wise and with the career transition I have had little blogging energy. I do still read the blogs I follow at least a couple of times a week. So I firgured it was time to drop at least drop a quick line.

We have recently been doing a few house projects, gardening, and maintenance. We are learning with each and every project we start that it will cost more and take longer than we thought. I suppose that is what first time home buyers are supposed to go through...I just wish sometimes it was a little easier! My parents are very good about lending a helping hand and guidance, so we are not going at everything unsupervised.

It is pretty crazy that June is already upon us and our first anniversary is in just a few days! We are heading out tomorrow morning for Cabo San Lucas to celebrate and enjoy some sun!! I am horrible post-bride...horrible. I haven't made any books, only framed one picture, and still haven't done anything with my dress. I suppose now I have activies to take into marriage year nĂºmero dos!

I am thinking I will try to get on a weekly link-up...I have a few favorites so look for that after vacay. I wanted to also wish Vanessa a very Happy 30th Birthday tomorrow :)

Have a Nice Day!

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