Friday, September 9, 2011

Turning 25...

Today is my birthday and our first weekend together in CA since our move! I have waited a long time to have a birthday on a Friday night and it is finally here. I typically enjoy a birthday with friends and family usually spanning the celebration over multiple nights and annoying all my friends with constantly wanting attention. Though my feelings about wanting attention have not changed, this year I will not have my friends and family to drag into the celebrating. And feels weird, but I think this is expected when you move across the country and when you start realizing that you are actually a grown up.

I remember points in my life when I needed to act grown up, take care of things on my own, and behave differently. This birthday is one of those moments where I feel different not only because of the move, but the place in my life I find myself. Most people would likely reflect on their accomplishments on their years alive so far, I like to think of the things I haven't done and why I haven't done them. I have not followed a traditional path as a young adult as many of you know, because I am scared of conformity and being regular.

So here is to another year of being LML as my spontaneous, fun, and thoughtful self!!

Have a nice day!!