Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Streamlining Life

I thought when I started traveling for my job that it would be easier to slow down the social life and rein in the extracurricular activities. Boy! I was wrong. Totally wrong. Instead of saying "no" more, I feel I am saying yes to everything because everything means more now. Like me being away all week means I want to shove all the fun stuff in the hours I am in MPLS. And I can't quite shake it! I am usually home Friday through Sunday and with out a doubt can sometimes be double or triple booked on one of the days. Then I feel like I am not being there 100% for the people that I made the plans with or attend events with or for. I feel like a sucky friend and I don't know how to support everything I want to anymore.

So, for those that are reading this and feel like I have been half available...I am trying!! Here is a cutie of lil Tina!

Have a nice day!!


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